Fun first and foremost. Experience a fusion of a twist-and-go scooter and a step-over motorcycle, offering the best of both worlds. With its effortless automatic transmission, it allows you to accelerate up to 50mph without breaking a sweat. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned rider, Navi makes every journey a breeze. Its user-friendly design ensures that even beginners can hit the road with ease, while experienced riders will be astonished by the sheer joy this great little miniMOTO ride delivers. With its affordable price the Navi is the ultimate fun miniMOTO for those who crave adventure without compromise. Take it for a spin, and you'll understand why we love Navi so much.
Here’s a big feature that sets this little bike apart from anything else in our miniMOTO lineup: The Navi features a transmission that's super user friendly. There’s no clutch and no shifting, not even into neutral or park—just start it up, twist the throttle, and go-go-go!
One of the best aspects of the Navi is its dependable Honda engine. It’s air-cooled for simplicity, offers spectacular fuel economy, and makes plenty of power. A single-cylinder, overhead-cam design, it’s low-maintenance and super reliable.
With a low 30-inch seat height, getting on and off the Navi is a snap. Even better, it’s easy to flat-foot it in parking lots or at stop lights. The long, flat seat makes it easy to find just the right position and to move around on too.
Just turn the key, press a button and go. The Navi’s electric starter and backup kickstarter make getting underway super easy.
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